Friday, November 4, 2011

The SnowBirds are Back in Tucson!!!

The SnowBirds are Back in Tucson!

I've been noticing the past couple of weeks that the roads are really getting crowded again. The temperatures are dropping and the cars are piling up. It just takes longer to get places. When I'm making an appointment to see homes for sale in Tucson - I need to be on time!

It reminded me of a blog a wrote a while back I thought I'd share again for the occasion. Road rage can be a dangerous thing, and combine that with all the different driving styles of the visitors and residents of Tucson, along with texting, cell phones, and agressive driving - well, it's a dangerous world out there!

Buckle up, leave early, and drive safe!

Things That Make You Go Hmmm - How's your Road Rage?

I clicked on Twitter tonight to leave a few posts and my eyes caught this blog link about things that make you mad. It was a very cute little story. I got to thinking about my own list of pet peeves, and more specifically, the role of anger when behind the wheel, and how that has affected my job.

REALTORS spend a great deal of time driving. When I was brand new agent, I proudly purchased two large, bright yellow door magnets for my car to proclaim to everyone that I was in real estate and ready to do business. I thought it would be a great way to visually remind all my neighbors and community members that I was a Professional.

There was just one little problem. I have this tendency to forget my turn signals or gesture/swear when someone cuts me off or pulls out right in front of me. I tend to play the passive-agressive role and slow way down when I get a tail-gater on my bumper and they can't get around me. And then there are the little old ladies barely peaking over their steering wheels that I race by on my way to some appointment or other.

In just a short time, I began to worry that having my name and phone number boldly imprinted for anyone to see might NOT be the best idea. All I'd need was some road rager calling me on their cell phone...

So have I mended my professional driving image and let the tailgater whiz by? Do I patiently wait through traffic jams and intersection snaffus with a calm facade presented to all? Does Great-Grandmama get the right of way now, no matter how slow she's going?

annoyed woman looking out of her car

...I confess - it was easier to take the signs off. My car doors are bare now.

How about you? Do your driving skills divulge your inner flaws? Any embarrassing anecdotes to share?

- How's your Road Rage?

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