Temperatures are rising and the birds and bugs are waking up. Along with those familiar critters are the species no one wants to get too up close and personal with....Rattlesnakes.
Rattlesnakes in the Tucson, AZ desert can be as close as your back yard. Did you know they can climb walls? Paints a freaky picture, doesn't it.
Here's the thing...unlike on SCI/FI cable, rattlesnakes don't stalk you. They like to be left alone. More rattlesnake bites happen because they've felt threatened than through any other way. So...if you see one, keep your distance and leave them alone!
Here in the Tucson, AZ desert areas, we can expect snakes to be around until the cold weather days appear, generally late October.
With a little more research on snake bites, I've discovered that the AVERAGE snake bite "victim" is not from Arizona, and the majority of those people have actually “stepped” on the snake. So, visitors, beware!
Here's a few preventative tips:
1. Trim the brush around your property and keep it free from debris.
2. Be aware of your surroundings. I tend to be looking up at the mountains or down at the vistas when hiking...I have to remind myself to watch where I step as well!
3. Snakes love the shade on a summer day. Keep your eyes open and stay on designated pathways.
4. Sturdy, high top boots are helpful. So is a walking stick of sorts.
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5. What to do if you come across a snake? SLOWLY back away, or stay still. Most snake bites, again, are defensive.
6. Dog walkers/owners - attend Rattlesnake Classes at your local pet stores. Keep them leashed. (the dogs...., not the rattlesnake)
What to do if you’re bitten by a Tucson, AZ desert Rattlenake:
Call 911 or get urgent care within 2 hours
Remain as calm as possible to keep your pulse rate down. Keep the bite below heart level if possible
Cleanse the wound but do not flush with water. Cover lightly.
Don't use a tourniquet or ice.
Don't attempt to remove the venom.
Stay away from sodas, beer or alcohol after being bitten
Try to remember what the snake looked like so you can tell the doctor. (color, markings, etc)
I've never seen a snake in the wild, and I've done plenty of exploring. Don't let the fear of a Tucson, AZ desert Rattlesnake keep you from discovering lovely Tucson and vicinity! I am always happy to assist you in your home search or sale! Please contact me for more information on the beautiful SW Desert!